Cassidy: Rowan University art major draws crowds

Last October, we got ourselves invited to the opening reception of the “Emerging Artists” art exhibit in Pitman, New Jersey and saw some stunning artwork by students of Rowan University. The exhibit, which opened Friday, November 2, 2018, was worth traveling across the bridge, getting lost on Route 65, putting up with a little rain, and having an umbrella stolen from the foyer while we were schmoozing Rowan staff and students. Our invitation had come from the parents of student Cassidy Greene, and we were delighted by what happened when we took them up on it.

First, we learned that this was not Cassidy’s first rodeo. She had previously had a piece of artwork, entitled “Beach Hat”, on display at Rowan University’s Presidential Hall. As far as we know it is on display there until April.

Then, while we were hanging out with the Greene family, in the few minutes our back was turned away from “Out the Window”, the 18”x24” oil on canvas Cassidy was exhibiting at the Pitman Show, her painting sold – it was either the first or among the very first  to sell that evening – within an hour of the show’s opening. It didn’t come as a complete surprise because Cassidy is a very talented artist and well on her way to reaching her artistic and professional goals. Still, it was fun to witness the excitement among the family as events unfolded.

Since that time, Cassidy has displayed “Beach Hat” at Rowan University’s President Houshmand’s home for the opening of the “President’s Showcase” at the end of November. According to her Instagram account (Her handle is @cassidygreeneart; start following now please.), she enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Dr. Houshmand and with Dean Sanford Tweedie of the College of Communication and Creative Arts.

Thereafter, she did a few other things that we missed, like the “Best of 2018 Showcase” exhibit at the Rowan College at Burlington County Art Gallery in Mount Holly, New Jersey in late January and painting ceramics with her fella in Pitman, NJ again. (Seems we weren’t invited to the ceramics painting since it was a “great date night idea” per her Instagram post. When she’s famous, she’ll have enough reporters and photographers hounding her on private dates, so we’re OK with missing that outing.)

Most recently, Cassidy has work on display in the “Student Art Show” from March 2nd to March 16th at the Museum of American History, located at 138 Andaloro Way in Deptford, NJ 08093. She recommends this trip to anyone who likes “art and cool old stuff”.

See why we recommend your following Cassidy’s Instagram account? (Above photos are from her art Instagram.) We have spoken with her once – last November – and she’s been quite the busy lady between school, creating, displaying, dating, and opening an Etsy store. And we think she’s leaving for Disney World on March 4th, so… Don’t worry; she’s promised us an opportunity to interview her when school settles down. (She has been approved to graduate at the end of her current semester, so that’s soon, dear readers.)

In the meantime in between time, comment below to send her well wishes and encouragement. Please also share names of other women in art and business you think we should be following and sharing on our blog.